viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

James Blond 007'5: Versió Catalana

 Aquí el video dels nous agents especials de PM,Top Agents. Aquest video el vaig enviar al concurs de pel.lícules organitzat per PM i he guanyat. Es diu ''James Blond, Icefinger''. És l'historia de James Blond, un agent especial que porta unes ulleres de sol, només per lligar...En aquesta historia, el Dr. Badguy, un director d'una empresa de gelats, roba els CDs del gelater de la reina per millorar les seves receptes. Conseguirà Blond salvar el planeta i recuperar els CDs?Com s'ho faran els agents especials, sota la direcció del General Capcigrany?

lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

Merry Christmas and happy birthday Playmo Martí studios!

Something went wrong with the date, not important.
Yesterday was 25th of December, that means Christmas day! But Christmas was not the only thing to celebrate, because yesterday was the birthday of Playmo Martí studios! It's now a year past, sens I made my first video.Its name was ''Duel in the city'', and it was about to cowboys dueling. Me and my clickies celebrate the birthday, and we had much fun. And to celebrate Christmas, I made this video. I hope you enjoy it and enjoy Christmas too!


Why is the Blogger date always incorrect on Christmas?!
Anyway, today is 25th of December 2011, and it's Playmo Martí studios's 2nd birthday! YAY!
To celebrate it I did this short video, I hope you enjoy!

A short video where Playmo Martí studios presents ''Santa and the Elves'' singing
''Somewhere over the rainbow'' by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole (NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED).
Merry Christmas to you all! And happy birthday PMS! Feel free to comment!

YALP: Creating a new green planet

This is the movie I made for the new PM  video contest. YALP:Creating a new green planet, tells how a group of scientists work on a far away planet to create a new home for human civilizations. But then they discover that someone is stealing their energy... Who might it be? Obviosly the badguys.